Friday, March 7, 2014

Changing of the Guards

It is that time of year again I call the changing of the guards.  It happens several times each year. It’s when you switch from one hunting season to another.  Deer season is now behind us and turkey season is coming on.  Time to put away the deer rifles and get out the shot guns.  Normally what that means for me is its time to clean the guns.  I try to keep my guns fairly clean throughout the season with casual wipe downs as needed, but at the beginning and the end of each season I try to do a deep cleaning on the guns.  This equates to each gun getting a good cleaning twice a year.
A few years ago a friend showed me a bore snake and how easy they were to use and how good they work.  I bought one to try out for myself and I liked it so good that I have one for every caliber I own now.  In a matter of seconds you can have the barrel cleaned and this great for when you finish target shooting or hunting and you will not be cleaning your gun right away.
Even with a bore snake there is no substitute for breaking down your gun, scrubbing, and oiling on a regular basis.  If you take care of your guns they will likely last longer than your lifetime.  I have a gun I bought used that was made in the 70’s that is still in great shape.  I have another rifle that I bought about 20 years ago that is my work horse and to say that this gun gets used is an understatement.  I does have few dings, but overall it is still in great shape and works just like it did when it was new.

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