Sunday, November 8, 2015

11-07-15 Range Day

We strung chicken wire between trees at 50, 100, and 250 to hang our targets. Made some cheap sandbags out of old socks. They worked great, but I need to put the sand in ziplock bags first. The sandbags were much steadier than the sled. I think mostly because we were in solid contact with the ground.

338 lapua
Bays got a new gun that we needed to sight in. shot at 50. Made an adjustment and shot again. Right on. Moved to 250. Moved around a bit and got it locked on and ready to go. Shot a pumpkin at 50 and 200. It will have no problem taking down a deer. It was as loud as I expected, but didn't kick as hard. We will have to start reloading at $3 a pop though.

Right on. It's a deer killer as 30-30s always are.

Daniel was having trouble with his gun again. We think the scope that came with it is bad. Would be shooting good groups, then all of a sudden we would be shooting good groups 4" to the right, then more groups 4" to the right of those. One time at 50 yards we were shooting touching groups. We moved out to 250 and couldn't hit paper. We came back to 50 and were shooting 2' high and right. The back ring had bent off the gun. I think the gun and our reloads will be close to MOA if we can get the scope and rings better quality.

It was already sighted in, so I shot a reload at 50 and it was good, so we moved out to 250. The factory loads shot about a 6" group to the right. The reloads did good though. With a little adjustment, they were right on.

This was already sighted in so I just shot one group at 250. I had some new loads to try. One was a 150 RN going about 2,200 fps that did good. The other was a 110 varmageddon going about 2,800 fps that didn't do very good. I want to try some trail boss powder with the 150 RN, but I cant find it anywhere.

12 gauge
Bays shot his pump gun with some trap loads. I gave him some buck and slugs. It kicked pretty hard with the good stuff. I shot the B80 with slugs and 1/0 buck at 50 yards. I thought the buck would be great and the slugs would be off, but the slugs were pretty accurate for a bead sight and the buck only had 2 pellets hit paper.

We heard some kind of helicopter coming so we took off our earplugs. It came directly over us about 100 feet off the ground and the blades sounded like a slow thump. There was also what looked like a 10"x15' cannon on the right side. It was pretty awesome. I saw it heading back east when I got home.

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