Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Story - The 2011 Lake Buck

Andrew and I went out for a quick bow hunt before work. This area we are hunting is pretty tight. We both climbed trees about 60 yards apart. About 8:00, Andrew decided to call it quits and go to work. As he was packing up, I noticed a few deer behind me coming down the hill. About that time Andrew slammed his car door as hard as he could (or so it seemed) and the deer spooked. I was mad. About 30 minutes later I saw a buck coming down where those does had been. As he was about to enter a thicker part I stopped him. I put the 40 yard pin on him and let one go. I heard a pop. I don't know if it was the arrow hitting a limb, the deer, or the ground, but he ran off. After a little bit I got down and checked out the arrow. It had blood on it, but it smelled pretty bad like it was hit too far back. There was a little blood trail, but I decided to go to work for a little bit and come back in a few hours. After telling the guys at work what had happened, Will and Robert wanted to come back out to help look for it. We got back to the woods and started following the blood trail. It went uphill and turned back towards the lake. Robert said "I bet he went to water." Will and Robert went on a body hunt while I stayed back looking for the trail. Robert hollered at me that he had found my buck. I ran down the hill expecting to see my deer laying there, but he was not. He was about 100 yards away flopping in the lake. I grabbed the crossbow and headed out after him. I was in my work clothes and my boots were about 1/2 from filling up with water. I shot him again in the neck with the crossbow and finished him off. He was still a little too far out to reach without my boots filling up so I grabbed a tow strap and lassoed him. He wasn't as big as I thought, but he was my biggest to date. That was the first deer that I had boiled the skull. It wasn't too difficult, but I probably won't do it again unless it is really worth it. 

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