Thursday, November 20, 2014

Review - Permethrin Tick Killer

Hands down, my least favorite thing about the outdoors is....seed ticks. I never got them growing up in Oklahoma, but the first weekend I moved up here my legs were covered in sores for weeks. I remember laying awake at night because they itched so bad. Some how I stumbled upon Repel Permethrin Spray. It is about $8 and will do about 3 sets of clothes. You spray it on your clothes and let it dry. It actually kills bugs unlike DEET products which repel them as it evaporates. DEET will last for a couple hours of repelling, but the permethrin will kill bugs for several months even after washing. I had gone through a few cans of the aerosol permethrin when one day at tractor supply I noticed this concentrate. It was about $6 and would dilute enough to last years. I am still only about halfway through my first bottle after about 4 years. This stuff works too. We have had many instances of permethrin/non-permethrin hunting trips and the non-permethrin trips have ended up with us picking off seed ticks for the next few days. Try not to get the liquid directly on your skin or breathe the vapors. It is still a chemical, but once it dries it is not harmful to humans. The old saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is magnified to "8 fl oz of tick prevention is worth 2 tons of cure".  

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