Sunday, December 18, 2016

First deer kill of the season

After a long summer and running out deer meat in the freezer, I was eager this year to bow hunt and start replenishing our deer meat supply. Besides that, bow hunting is my favorite method.  Little did I know that this would be a start to great season.  Since my number one goal was to harvest meat, I was hunting for the first good shot I could get. I've learned that sometimes you have to take what is giving to you or go home empty handed. 
This hunt couldn't have gone any better.  I had set up my tree stand the day before so I could just walk in and climb the tree with as little disturbance as possible.  I was settled in the stand about 30 minutes before shooting light.  It was a beautiful mild morning with a slightly overcast sky as I got to watch the sun rise.  Then it was one of those days that you dream of as far as deer movement is concerned.  I had a couple small groups of deer come by from different directions, but they were just out of bow range.  Until two deer come within ten yards of me. At that range I was able to make a text book shot, which qualified as the first good shot I was looking for.  This deer wasn't a trophy, but it was exactly what I needed. 
I consider myself very lucky and the harvested deer a blessing from God. Because, in no way I'm that skillful of a hunter.  If we are all honest, very few of us are. I harvest my fair share of deer at what I consider a pretty high percentage rate regarding number of deer taken verses number of hunts and number of shots taken versus kills.  But the reality is I'm just really lucky and blessed with just enough ability.  I do my best to put myself in a high percentage situation and I happen to be a pretty proficient with a bow and a gun. But at the end of the day most of the deer I harvest, I feel like they were "given" to me. All I had to do is make the shot.  

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