Friday, April 25, 2014


Hope you had a great Easter.  As my family and I went to leave for church on Easter Sunday I noticed that we have a dogwood tree in our front yard.  We just moved into our house early last fall and I didn’t realize what type of tree we had until now.  But ironically on Easter Sunday our dogwood tree was in full bloom.  It was a beautiful sight to see.  The tree along with the Easter holiday was a loud reminder of the reason for Easter.  There are legends about these trees, and how they are symbolic to the Christian community.  Some believe the cross was constructed with dogwood.  The blooms with their white interior and crimson red edges denote the suffering that Jesus Christ endured over two thousand years ago on the cross, and specifically the blood that was spilled from Him during his crucifixion.  Also, the flowers are shaped somewhat like a cross.  Anyway you look at it, it reminded me of what Jesus Christ went through just for you and me.  He not only died for us, but on the third day he arose!  Symbolism or not you cannot change that fact.  I hope that every time you see a dogwood tree it is reminder of the reason for Easter just like it is for me.  I will try to remember the reason for Easter all year by just appreciating the beauty of nature that I take for granted way too often.  After all, God created all of it and without it we wouldn’t exist, be able to live and love life.  Take time to read the crucifixion of Jesus in the Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John) just as a reminder.  I promise you will not regret it.

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